Drawdown Calculator

Drawdown Calculator

Do you want to measure the peak-to-trough decline in forex trading? If yes, use our drawdown calculator now. You can get our free drawdown calculator tool on our website. Our Drawdown calculator a beneficial tool for traders, as it helps them to measure the peak-to-trough decline of trading accounts.

Drawdown refers to the reduction from the high to a low point in the equity of the investment portfolio. It is expressed as a percentage. Drawdown is important for traders because it gives them insights into the risk and volatility of trading strategies. Our Drawdown Calculator tool allows you to calculate how much you lost during a certain period. It also allows you to evaluate the risk and refine your risk management strategy. By knowing the drawdown, you can make informed trading decisions, protect your capital, and increase your worth.

How to Use Our Drawdown Calculator

You can easily use our Drawdown Calculator to measure drawdown. Here are the steps you should follow to use our tool

  • Starting Balance

To start using our Drawdown Calculator tool, you have to enter the initial trading account balance. It represents the total account amount of equity you get for trading when you begin drawdown analysis. For example, if you begin to trade with a $5000 deposit in the trading account, then enter “5000” in this field. 

  • Consecutive Losses

Next, you have to enter the consecutive losing traders that you want to simulate. This input permits you to analyze how many losses in a row will affect your trading account balance. For example, if you want to see the effect of 5 consecutive losing trades, then enter 5 in the field.

  • Loss per Trade (%)

Loss per trade is an important field on our calculator. Professional traders are recommended to do not to take risks of more than 2% of account equity per trade. This suggestion allows you to last longer on trading careers and recover the amount from previous trades.

  • Use Calculate Button

Next, you should click on the calculate button to get drawdown results

The results shown on our tool are “ending balance” after 6 losing consecutive trades and “total loss” percentage. In this case, the equity of 1000 units of account currency, and after 6 consecutive losing trades, it is now 885. 84 units.

It means that with the 6 consecutive losing trades and using the recommended and conservative 2% risk per trade, the account balance is 11. 4%.


In Trading, drawdown refers to a reduction of capital after a series of trade losses. This metric is important as it helps traders to understand risk and volatility in trading strategies. Here is the role of our Drawdown calculator. It helps you to measure the drawdown percentage and manage the risks.

Our Drawdown Calculator is the important risk calculator in our toolbox. The best thing about our tool is that it allows traders to simulate accurately what must be the ideal equity percentage to risk per trade.

The use of our calculator also helps traders avoid reaching the uncomfortable percentage of drawdown. It put the account equity at risk of a complete loss. For example, if you use a moderate rate of 7% per trade, on a string of 10 losses, then it wipes out over 50% of the initial capital of the trading account. Our tool quantifies the risk of strategy and calculates the percentage of account balances that are lost because of a series of losses. It allows you to look at potential losses so you can prepare your risk management strategy well.

Key Inputs

Here are the key inputs you must fill accurately on our Drawdown Calculator tool

  • Account Balance

The account balance is the initial balance before it causes a drawdown. It is the starting point to calculate and represent the total funds available in your account at peak value. Inputting the amount accurately ensures that the drawdown calculation gives you a true Impact on trade equity.

  • Drawdown percentage/amount

Drawdown percentage/amount is the second input you must enter on our Drawdown Calculator. It is represented as a percentage or dollar amount. It shows the proportion of loss from the account peak, whereas the dollar amount shows the exact monetary loss. You have to enter this information accurately because it affects the calculation of remaining balances after experiencing a drawdown.

Calculation Process

The drawdown measures the loss from high point to low point ( peak to trough). It refers to the continuation from high to low points till new high points occur. Our calculator is the best risk calculator in trading. It allows you to accurately simulate the ideal net values and risk percentage of trade.

Using our calculator helps you avoid the uncomfortable drawdown percentage that exposes the net value of the account to the risk of total loss. For example, if the 7% capital is used per trade, then 10 consecutive losses deplete more than 50% of initial account capital.

It is suggested to traders to use our Drawdown Calculatortool always before open trade position. It is also suggested to integrate our tool with a sound capital management system or net value risk management plan. This calculation process will determine the remaining balances after the drawdown is simple. Here is the formula we use to measure drawdown

Formula: Remaining Balance=Account Balance−(Account Balance×Drawdown Percentage)

Example Calculation

Let’s take an example. For example, you have an account with an initial balance of $10,000, and you see a 20% drawdown. The calculation is as follows.

Remaining Balance=10,000−(10,000×0.20)=8,000

In the example, after a 20% drawdown, your account balance will be $8,000.

Significance of Managing Drawdown

You have to manage the drawdown for successful forex trading. It impacts risk controls and psychology. Here are the aspects that show the importance of managing drawdown

  • Risk Control

Our calculator helps you to set stop loss and take profit levels, manage risks, and avoid emotional decision-making. Our tool helps guide you towards disciplined trading, which is important to achieve long-term success in the market.

Our calculator is not only a tool but an important component of a robust risk management system. Whether you are new to trading or experienced, you have to understand drawdown properly to make your trade successful.

  • Psychological Impact

The large drawdowns have impacted traders psychologically. If you experience huge losses in your trade, then it makes an emotional trading experience for you. It causes the decisions you make by panic, fear, or frustration instead of using strategy and logic. It causes losses, creates by cycle of poor decision making, and increases drawdowns.

You must manage drawdowns because it helps you to stay disciplined by giving you clear metrics and boundaries. You must know the potential losses to stay calm and focused. It allows you to stick to trading plans and avoid making impulsive decisions. Maintaining psychological stability is a long-term successful strategy.

Practical Use

There are various uses for our Drawdown Calculator. It gives drawdown insights to traders, manages the risks, and protects their trading accounts.

  • Set maximum allowable drawdown limits.

The main use of our Drawdown Calculator is to help traders set the maximum drawdown limits. These limits work as account safety, prevent huge losses, and protect your trading account. Here is how it works

  • Define tolerance levels

Traders are suggested to assess their risk tolerance levels and determine how much risk they can take without affecting their trading worth or psychological state. For this, you must analyze past trading performance and market conditions carefully.

  • Set Limits

Based on your analysis, you have to set specific drawdown limits. For example, if you decide that a 20% drawdown is the maximum loss, they can take it. These limits are the trigger to stop trading or assess strategies again once the drawdown has reached the level.

With clear drawdown limits, you must implement strategies to adhere to limits. It consists of the set stop loss, reduced position size, and taking a break from trading. It helps you to adjust your trading approach.

  • Monitors the Impact of multiple losing trades

Another use of our Drawdown Calculator is that it helps you monitor the Impact of multiple losing trades on the equity of the account. This assessment helps you understand the e number of losses that affects your financial position. It allows you to make adjustments to your trading strategy.

  • Track performance

By tracking the trade performance and measuring drawdown, you must identify the patterns and trading issues. This approach will help you to take timely actions to protect your trade from losses.

  • Adjust strategies

If the drawdown measure from our Drawdown Calculator exceeds to threshold, then you must adjust your strategies to reduce losses. It consists the reducing trade frequency, changing the type of assets, and changing risk management techniques such as stop loss levels.

  • Enhances decision making

Regular monitoring of trades will give you valuable data. It improves the decision-making process in forex trading. It helps you to understand the risk-reward ratio of trades and make the right decisions that fit risk tolerance and your trading goals.

Common Mistakes

Many traders make some common mistakes while measuring the drawdown. So, while you use our calculator to calculate drawdown, you must avoid these mistakes.

  • Ignoring Drawdown

The major mistake traders can make is ignoring drawdown. If you fail to measure drawdown, then it causes a big loss and depletes your accounts. Here are the side effects of ignoring drawdown

  • Lack of awareness

Without tracking the drawdown properly, you are not aware of the amount you are losing. This lack of awareness falls on your trade and causes huge losses.

  • Increase risk

If you ignore the measure drawdown, then the risk on your trading account increases. Traders continue to trade aggressively, unaware that their account balance diminishes their trade levels.

  • Missed opportunities for adjustments

Ignoring drawdown will miss the opportunities for traders to make adjustments. Regular monitoring is good for traders because it allows them to adjust their trading strategies. But if you ignore the drawdown, then you miss these opportunities and face big losses.

  • Not Adjusting Trade Sizes

Another mistake traders made was not adjusting the trade size. Here is why adjusting trade size is important

  • Risk Management

After the drawdown, the remaining account balance is lower, and trade continues with the same position size. It increases the risk of big losses. You have to adjust trade size because it helps you to align risk with new and reduce the balance of your trading account.

  • Gradual recovery

Small trade size after drawdown permits for a gradual recovery. It reduces the losses and allows you to rebuild the account more safely with time.

  • Maintains discipline

It is suggested that traders adjust the trade size to execute a trade in a disciplined way. It shows your commitment to risk management and prevents emotional decision-making.


Drawdown Calculator